I’m excited to be heading to Colorado for a quick fall hiking (and remote working) trip. Growing up in driving range of the Canadian Rockies, mountains have always been a source of awe…ancient…monumental…vast.
I’m delighted with this summer’s new pieces PEAK which feel like a playful take on mountains. The hints of gold and bronze in the iridized gray alongside crisp black and white makes for a lovely subtle color palette.
PEAK | 2@20” x 20” hand cut glass inlayed in textured concrete c Heather Hancock 2022
detail | shimmer and reflectance makes for a dynamic art piece with texture and gloss contrasts adding another dimension
And that reminds me that I did a fun zoom background mountain mural last year integrated into the architecture of the work-from-home space. Perspective is all right for Cam’s computer camera.
mountain zoom background mural c Heather Hancock 2021