recent project installed | REFLECT 3@32" x 32" — Heather Hancock | Glass + texture

recent project installed | REFLECT 3@32" x 32"

Happy to see these lovelies up and shimmering in a Nashville hotel. These pieces come out of my deep belief that we are attuned to rhythms in the world around us. I explore the many powerful rhythms I find in the city which are sometimes overlooked as important aesthetic and visual rhythms.

REFLECT 3@32” x 32” hand cut glass + concrete c Heather Hancock 2023 photo credit Whitaker Art Consulting

REFLECT 3@32” x 32” hand cut glass + concrete c Heather Hancock 2023

detail REFLECT 3@32” x 32” hand cut glass + concrete c Heather Hancock 2023

detail REFLECT 3@32” x 32” hand cut glass + concrete c Heather Hancock 2023